Postal League Badges
The Summer postal leagues (Recurve/Barebow and Longbow) and Winter postal leagues (Outdoor Frostbite) have many opportunities to collect a number of new shiny badges.
The division winners badges for indoor and outdoor are very nice but there are also many personal progression medals for each archer to collect depending purely on score.
There are many more scoring badges to collect than are shown here - Ask our Postal League Guardian Kathy for more details on how to get them.
You can get badges for achieving any of the following scores in a Frostbite Postal match :-
200 - 225 - 250 - 275 - 300 - 315 - 330 - 340 - 350 - 355
Division Winners Badge for the Outdoor Frostbite League
Badge for scoring 200 for the Frostbite round - This is the 1st one you can get
Badge for scoring 300 for the Frostbite round
Badge for scoring 350 for the Frostbite round
You can also pick up the unique SUMMER POSTAL score attainment badges - scores needed below